Move object

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Move object

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When we move an object in MithraSIG, we move a 3D geometry (x, y, z). Be especially attentive to the coherence of z once the move is completed.

Move object

To move an object, select the object and do either:

right-click Move Item.

Click on Move in the group Modification | Move from the ribbon Geometry.

Note: Use the Ctrl key as you place the items to make a copy, otherwise only the selected items will be moved.


How to Manage altitude of the moved or copied object:

The reference altitude of the object corresponds to the altitude of the location from which is moving or copying. The arrival altitude is in order of priority:

- the altitude of the snapped object if there is one (hung with automatic attachment point). (Warning: the domains of simulation have a null altitude).

- The altitude of the Digital Model (TIN) if the TIN layer is Hittable or Editable.

- The altitude of the attachment point of the move objet if noting is present on the mouse click .

In all case, the altitude used is visible in the position bar:

Coordinates x,y,z

Example with the selection of a contour line of a 45 m building. When moving, the DTM is hittable. I click on the DTM at an altitude of 48 m, every vertex of my building will have a height of 48 m.

Example with the selection of a segment whose points have a height of 20 to 30 m. The attachment point is the 20 m point. When moving, the DTM is hittable. I click on the DTM, which has an altitude of 48 m. The first vertex selected will have a height of 48 m, the other vertex of the segment an altitude of 58 m.

Move vertex

Moving the vertex of an object follows the same rules as objects. Check the present overlays when moving objects (TIN, ...) and altitude of the vertex. It is advisable to check the altitude of the moved vertex with editing vertex tool.

Special case of noise sources

When moving the axis of a road, of a railway or of a linear source, it is possible to recalculate the geometry of objects associated with the source (platform, traffic) using the Recomputing geometry function.