Edit vertices

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Edit vertices

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Once an object (point, polygon or line) is selected, it is also possible to edit the x, y, z coordinates of the geometry using the command Edit vertices from the contextual menu:

Vertices edition interface

Vertices edition interface

The x, y, z coordinates can be individually edited. The button Apply updates the lines directly, while Reset allows to recover the original coordinates. This dialog box allows also to edit the vertices of a polygon made of more than one loops (holes).

In the vertex editing window, the coincidence points are materialized in the form by a red line. It is possible to remove automatically these points by checking the button Delete coincidence points. We call coincidence points two points which have a difference between abscise and a differences between ordinates less than 1mm.

It is possible to interpolate altitudes between the first and the last point by clicking on the button Interpolate altitudes. Interpolation is from the selected first point to the last selected point.

Note: The tool is also available in the group Clean | Edit vertices from the ribbon Geometry.

It is also possible to edit the vertices of a polygon composed of several loops. Each loop is described by its Id loop. A line labeled 1-3 correspond to the third vertex of the first loop.