Add / Edit material

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Add / Edit material

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This interface is accessed from the materials list window.

Add material

Add material

Edit material

Edit material

You must enter:

A Name.

A Description.

An Indice (or horizontal absorption class) ranging from A (very absorbent) to H (very reflective).

If the Personal Absorption Coefficients option is checked, you can refine the characteristics by assigning an Alpha coefficient (or absorption by frequency coefficient) to each Frequency (from 50 to 1,000 MHz).  These coefficients must be between 0 and 1 (0 = very reflective, 1 = very absorbent).


Certain rules apply when creating a material:

The material must have a name that does not already exist.

The Alpha coefficients, if the Personal Absorption Coefficients option is checked, must be between 0 and 1.

If these conditions are not met, the error is highlighted and validation cannot take place.

The name field becomes inaccessible when a material is being edited.