List of materials

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List of materials

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Materials are available from a list that can be displayed by clicking on the button Materiau_MenuRuban in the group Parameters from the ribbon Model, and selecting Materials in the list.

List of materials

List of materials

Contextual menu

Contextual menu

The materials in red cannot be edited (non personal materials).

Each material has an index (or absorption class) ranging from A (very absorbent) to H (very reflective).

Double clicking on a material row gives access to the create/edit material window concerned.

It is possible:

To edit a material using the Materiau_BoutonEdition button or by right-clicking on Edit material in the context menu.

To add a material using the Materiau_BoutonAjout button or by right-clicking on New material in the context menu.

To delete a material (personal material) using the Materiau_BoutonSupp button or by right-clicking on Delete material in the context menu.