List of trains

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List of trains

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MithraSIG contains a rolling stock database. These rolling stock can be trains (convoy made up of several units), units (independent rolling stock) or trams.

This rolling stock can be used to define the traffic present on the railway tracks.

The list of these rolling stock can be viewed by clicking on the Train_btnListe button in the Parameters section of the Model tab of the MithraSIG ribbon.

Liste des trains

Liste des trains

This window presents all the rolling stock present in the software database, those created by the user as well as those used in the currently loaded project.

Each rolling stock is displayed in the form of a tile, with a photo when present.

NMPB rolling stock and CNOSSOS rolling stock are distinguished.

It is possible to filter the items displayed according to certain criteria:

The name of the element: case insensitive, accent sensitive

The type of the element: train, tram and/or unit

The method associated with rolling stock: NMPB or CNOSSOS

The Created only option displays only the rolling stock created by the user.

The Train_btnEditionTrain button allows you to edit the selected train.

The Train_btnEditionTram button allows you to edit the selected tram.

The Train_btnEditionUnite button allows you to edit the selected unit.

The Train_btnAjoutTrain button allows you to add a train. Then click on Add an NMPB train or on Add a CNOSSOS train depending on the type of train you want to add.

The Train_btnAjoutTram button allows you to add a tram. Then click on Add an NMPB tram or on Add a CNOSSOS tram depending on the type of tram you want to add.

The Train_btnAjoutUnite button allows you to add an unit. Then click on Add an NMPB unit or on Add a CNOSSOS unit depending on the type of unit you want to add.

The Train_btnSuppTrain button is used to delete the selected element. This button is only accessible if the selected element is editable, ie it was created by the user. If the item is used in the currently open project, this button will also be grayed out.

The Train_btnExport button is used to export the selected elements to an XML file.

The Train_btnExportAll button allows you to export all the elements in an XML file.

The Train_btnImport button is used to import new elements into the database. The elements must be contained in a correctly formatted XML file.