Edit NMPB train

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Edit NMPB train

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A train is a a convoy, made up of several units. The interface for editing a train is accessible from the window of the list of trains (or the window of a railway).

Edit of a NMPB train

Edit of a NMPB train

A train present in the original MithraSIG database cannot be edited. Only user-created trains can be edited.

Management of train units

A train corresponds to a convoy made up of several units. The units are listed in a table.

The total length as well as the maximum speed of the train are determined from the units entered on the train.

The following buttons are used to manipulate train units:

The Train_btnAjoutUniteTrain button allows you to add a unit to the train. Only NMPB units can be added.

The Train_btnEditionUnite button displays the parameters of the selected unit.

The Train_btnRemplacerUniteTrain button allows you to replace the currently selected unit with another one.

The Train_btnSuppUnite button removes the selected unit from the train.