Redesign of the label creation window

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Redesign of the label creation window

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Redesign of the label creation window


The label creation window has been redesigned to make it easier to use.

It now contains of the following elements:

A table detailing each column:

oA column can be edited by double clicking on it or by selecting it and clicking on the Etiquettes_BtnEditColonne button.

oA column can be added by clicking on the Etiquettes_BtnAddColonne button then choosing the type of column to add:


oSeveral columns can be added at once by clicking on the Etiquettes_BtnAddColonne button and choosing the method of adding columns:


oA column can be decomposed into several columns by clicking on the Etiquettes_BtnGeneralizeColonne button and choosing the generalization mode:


oA column can removed by selecting it and clicking on the Etiquettes_BtnDeleteColonne button.

A check box allowing to display a title in each label. This title corresponds to the description of the receiver.

A checkbox allowing to display the column headers in the label.

Some radio buttons allowing to specify which type of rounding to apply to the values ​​of the label.

Some style parameters.

For more information, go to the Labels page of the documentation.