Add a facade source

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Add a facade source

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From the ribbon Model, click on the button SFacade_btnAjout in the group Add items.


The Line tool is active. Design the geometry corresponding to the new object which must be a segment situated on the same facade (segment) of a building. Finish by pressing the key Enter.

The Facade source interface is displayed so that the parameters of the input segment can be entered.

Facade source - Geometry

Facade source - Geometry

Enter the geometric parameters:

oThe Sources distribution: over the entire height or over a part only (with a maximum height and a minimum height). The dimensions of the source and its area are automatically calculated.

oThe Number of sources by height and width: the distance between sources is automatically calculated.

The positioning of facade sources (Cutting schema) is automatically updated in accordance with the parameters.

Enter the acoustic parameters:

Facade source - Acoustic (model)

Facade source - Acoustic (model)

oA Comment.

oA Nature. The Nature_btnAjout button can be used to add a nature.

oThe name of the reference model. The model mode allows to select a model stored in the List of reference models (so previously created). This is useful when several sources share the same spectrum.

The Perso_btnAfficherModele button allows you to access the interface of the characteristics of the reference model (in view only mode).

oThe percentages of use for each period.

The corresponding spectrum window is accessed via the Perso_btnAfficherSpectre button or via the context menu:

Afficher le spectre

The Perso_btnTransfoSpectre button allows to convert the source to spectrum mode. The interface is then modified.

Facade source - Acoustic (spectrum)

Facade source - Acoustic (spectrum)

The Perso_btnTransfoBase button allows to go to model mode. The interface is then modified again. Note that when you come back to Base, the model will be the first of the list and not the one that you could have set before to switch in Spectrum.

Click OK to confirm.


The buttons ModPerso_btnEditModele allow to:

Increase/Decrease spectrum by +/-1 or +/-10.

Reset the spectrum to 0.

Copy the spectrum.

Paste the spectrum.

Graphical representation

Representation of a facade source ‘model’

Representation of a facade source ‘spectrum

Representation of a facade source ‘model’

Representation of a facade source ‘spectrum