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Rays interface is accessed using the contextual menu by selecting a receiver domain with a terminated simulation in rays mode.


A first form allows to choose the receiver for the ray tracing.

The drop list shows the number of each receiver and its comment (inside the brackets). The receiver chosen is automatically selected in the graphic windows.

When you have a facade receiver, choose also the floor where rays will be displayed.

Tips: if you select one receiver in the graphic window (click), the drop list is updated with the receiver selected.



Filter Rays:

Rays can be filter by:

- The period

- The source: the user can display the contribution of each noise source or nature

- Zones (see following chapter)

When the user validates, an overlay with rays is created and the cut interface appears. Paths are classified according to their acoustic contribution (the first group carries the largest contribution).

Rays visualization interface

Rays visualization interface

By default the first ray is selected and showed with corresponding attenuations in a tab (receiver's properties are specified).

To change the ray, the user can:

Select another one in SIS. The cut is automatically updated.

Use buttons Rayon_btnPrec and Rayon_btnSuivant to move to the previous / next one. The corresponding ray is selected in the view.