Set the columns

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Set the columns

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The user can modify the table by adding/deleting columns or by modifying their content. To do this, use the tools on the tab Column.

Add/Remove columns

Add a column

To add a column, click on the button Add, and then choose between:

Property: choose a propety that already exists on the objects of the overlay, or add a new attribute.

Expression: set an expression that can be a combination of several attributes. For example, set MITHRA::height#*_area# will return the volume of a building (if the overlay Building is active in the table).

To add an expression, a name must be set (title of the column) and the expression. Just click on the properties to display them in the entry Expression. To finish, click on OK.

Add a column using expression

Add a column using expression

Fill a column

It is possible to modify the cells/attributes of the columns. To do this, click on the button Fill. Then, select the column to modify in the field Name, and set the expression to determine how to fill the cells.

Fill a column

Fill a column

For example, to increase all the terrain points by 10m, select the column Z Origin, click on the property Z Origin (_oz#) and enter +10. When validating, all the terrain points will have their z increased by 10.

Delete a column

To remove a column, click on the button Delete. Choose the columns that have to be deleted and click on the button btn_Suppr. All the selected columns will be deleted.

Modify the order

To modify the order in the table, click on the button Order. In the order window, select a column and use the arrow up/down.
