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When opening a table window, the tab Table appears. There are many functionalities allowing to sort objects, select items, table resizing...

Table tab

Table tab

Overlay: drop down menu to choose the overlay to display in the table.

Sort AZ / ZA: to sort data by ascending/decreasing order. Be careful, depending of the type of attribute ($,# or &), the order can have a different behavior. For example, an attribute $ (alphanumeric) will not have the same order than an attribute & (integer) for the same value. Situation: 2 attributes containing the values 42 and 318 with an ascending order:

oIf attributes have the type $ (alphanumeric), 318 will be sorted before 42 because the order will be based on a text syntax from the first to the last characters, and 3 comes before 4.

oIf attributes have the type & (integer), 42 will be sorted before 318 because the order will be based on a numeric syntax, and 42 comes before 318.

Query builder / Find: open the query windows allowing to find/filter objects.

Reset filter: reset to the default filter.

Selection: generic tools to select objects.

Refill: fill the table with the selected objects for a better visibility, or with all the objects of the overlay.

Resize: resize the columns based on selected options.