Item selection

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Item selection

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To select one or several items, there are many ways.

By clicking on an item

It is possible to select an item by clicking on it. For the MithraSIG items, double-click on them opens the Edition window.

Selection from a list

When too many items are on screen, it can be difficult to click on a specific one. The selection from the list can help. For this, place the mouse cursor over the specific item and press S key. A dialog box is displayed with a list of all items around the cursor. Just choose the good one from the list.

Select item from list

Select item from list

Fence selection

It is possible to select items by drawing an area. All the items in or intersecting the area are selected. To select only the items in the area, press the CTRL key while drawing the area.

Find tool

It is possible to select items based on specific properties. For this, use the Find tool. More information on Find tool.