Add an overlay

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Add an overlay

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How to add an overlay

The option Add overlay is available from the project window or from the ribbon Home.

Add overlay

Add an overlay from a file

It is possible to read a file "File" or to import a file "Imported file".

Import a file offers a better use and better performances.

Read a file is a better way in the case of a large file like image file. Note that for a Read file, no modification on the data can be done.

The main formats supproted are DXF, DWG, SHP, TAB, MIF/MID, DGN, KMZ.

Add an overlay

It is possible to use database overlay (e.g., Oracle or PostGIS), connect to web services WFS, WMS, and have internet backdrops.


To add file, the user can use the drag & drop in the graphic window. The files directly imported in MithraSIG.

A drag & drop by holding the right-click will allow the user to choose how to add the file: read or import.