Types of attributes

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Types of attributes

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There are 3 types of attributes that can be used in MithraSIG, depending of the value to stock in the attribute. The type has to be defined when creating the attribute.

Type of attribute


A String is used to stock text, or a mixture of text, numbers and punctuation. The suffix (automatically added to the name of the attribute) is the $.

For example (name of the attribute / value):

IdentifyBDD$ = azerty

IDBuilding$ = azerty123


An Integer is defined by a range from -2147483648 to 2147483647. The suffix is &.

For example (name of the attribute / value):

Nb_Road& = 2

Temperature& = -15


A Decimal is defined by a range from - 2.2250738585072014e-308 to 1.7976931348623158e+308. The suffix is #.

For example (name of the attribute / value):

Largeur_Voies# = 3.5

Moyenne# = 14.6