MithraSIG attributes

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MithraSIG attributes

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MithraSIG creates its own attributes for the project: during integration, simulations, creating maps...

Here is the list of the attributes available for each object (attribute syntax : description).

These attributes can be used when creating expression.


MITHRA::description : Description of the item

MITHRA::comment : Comment on the item

MITHRA::title : Title of the item


MITHRA::drape_mode : Draping method on the DTM


MITHRA::receiver_height : Height of the receiver

MITHRA::receiver_column_id : Column Id of the receiver (vertical simulation)

Bank and Mound

MITHRA::no_next_mound_bank : Number of the next bank/mound

MITHRA::no_mound_bank : Number of the bank/mound

MITHRA::comment : Description of the bank/mound

MITHRA::starting_height : Start height

MITHRA::ending_height : End height

MITHRA::height_calculation_method : Height calculation method

MITHRA::manual_heights : Manual height

MITHRA::slope : Slope percentage

MITHRA::width_top : Width of the top of the mound

MITHRA::left_bank : Determine the side of the slope for a bank


MITHRA::height : Height of the building

MITHRA::floor_height : Height of the floor

MITHRA::groundfloor_height : Height of the ground floor

MITHRA::num_floors : Number of floors

MITHRA::no_building : Number of the building

MITHRA::no_loop : Number of the loop of the building (if it contains several, like a donut geometry)

MITHRA::no_receiver : Number of the receiver

MITHRA::receiver_fac_id : Id of the facade receiver

MITHRA::num_Facades : Number of the facade

MITHRA::no_Column : Number of the receiver column

MITHRA::comment : Description of the building

MITHRA::title : Title of the building


MITHRA::no_receiver : Number of the receiver

MITHRA::no_facade : Number of the facade (linked to the receiver)

MITHRA::no_floor : Number of the floor (linked to the receiver)

MITHRA::no_column : Number of the receiver column (when several floors)

MITHRA::no_floor_max_level : Number of the floor where the maximum level is calculated

MITHRA::max_level : Maximum noise level

MITHRA::min_level : Minimum noise level

MITHRA::max_level_col : Maximum noise level of the column (table with several results)

MITHRA::min_level_col : Minimum noise level of the column (table with several results)

MITHRA::heights_receiver : Height of the receiver calculated

MITHRA::height_max_level : Height of the maximum noise level

MITHRA::columns : Name of the column of the label

MITHRA::receiver_height : Height of the receiver

Noise barrier

MITHRA::no_next_wall : Number of the next barrier

MITHRA::no_wall : Number of the barrier

MITHRA::comment : Description of the barrier

MITHRA::starting_height : Start height of the barrier

MITHRA::ending_height : End height of the barrier

MITHRA::height_calculation_method : Height calculation method

MITHRA::left_material_id : Id of the left material of the barrier

MITHRA::right_material_id : Id of the right material of the barrier

MITHRA::left_exclusion_height : Exclusion height on the left of the barrier

MITHRA::right_exclusion_height : Exclusion height on the right of the barrier

MITHRA::caps : Cap type of the barrier

MITHRA::inclinaison : Inclinaison angle of the barrier

MITHRA::caps_tsquare_width : Width of the cap for a T type

MITHRA::caps_cylinder_diameter : Diameter of the cap for a cylinder type

MITHRA::manual_heights : Manual height

MITHRA::body_barrier_interaction : Body-barrier interaction enable (1) /disable (0)


MITHRA::facade_material_name_AC : Name of the facade material

MITHRA::roof_material_name_AC : Name of the roof material

MITHRA::facade_material_id_AC : Id of the facade material

MITHRA::roof_material_id_AC : Id of the roof material

MITHRA::material_name_AC : Name of the material

MITHRA::material_id_AC : Id of the material


MITHRA::nb_lanes : Number of lane of the road

MITHRA::track_width : Width of the road

MITHRA::left_el_width : Width of the left emergency lane

MITHRA::right_el_width : Width of the right emergency lane

MITHRA::central_reservation_width : Width of the central separator

MITHRA::source_height : Height of the source

MITHRA::comment : Description of the road

MITHRA::nature : Nature of the road

MITHRA::coating : Coating type

MITHRA::coating_age : Coating age

MITHRA::light_vehicles_distribution : Light vehicles distribution on the lane

MITHRA::heavy_trucks_distribution : Heavy truck distribution on the lane

MITHRA::PX::light_vehicles_flow : Light vehicles flow, PX is the period (With X as ID of the period, ie: day/evening/night for P0/P1/P2, day/night for P0/P1)

MITHRA::PX::heavy_trucks_flow : Heavy truck flow, PX is the period (With X as ID of the period, ie: day/evening/night for P0/P1/P2, day/night for P0/P1)

MITHRA::PX::light_vehicles_speed : Light vehicles speed, PX is the period (With X as ID of the period, ie: day/evening/night for P0/P1/P2, day/night for P0/P1)

MITHRA::PX::heavy_trucks_speed : Heavy truck speed, PX is the period (With X as ID of the period, ie: day/evening/night for P0/P1/P2, day/night for P0/P1)

MITHRA::PX::trafic_flow : Traffic flow, PX is the period (With X as ID of the period, ie: day/evening/night for P0/P1/P2, day/night for P0/P1)


MITHRA::no_next_rail : Number of the next railway

MITHRA::no_rail : Number of the railway

MITHRA::nb_lanes : Number of lanes

MITHRA::distance_between_axis : Distance between railway axis

MITHRA::ballast_height : Height of the ballast

MITHRA::rail_height : Height of the rails

MITHRA::platform_width : Width of the platform

MITHRA::down_ballast_width : Width of the bottom ballast

MITHRA::high_ballast_width : Width of the top ballast

MITHRA::interval_between_rails : Interval between rails of a same lane

MITHRA::comment : Description of the railway

MITHRA::nature : Nature of the railway

MITHRA::rail_type : Type of the rail

MITHRA::rail_zone_devices : Type of zone devices

MITHRA::rail_metal_work : Type of metal work

train_id : Id of the train

MITHRA::PX::TX::unit_id : Id of the train, PX is the period (With X as ID of the period, ie: day/evening/night for P0/P1/P2, day/night for P0/P1) and TX as ID of the train on the railway (X is a number).

MITHRA::PX::TX::trafic_flow : Traffic flow of the train, PX is the period (With X as ID of the period, ie: day/evening/night for P0/P1/P2, day/night for P0/P1) and TX as ID of the train on the railway (X is a number).

MITHRA::PX::TX::speed : Speed of the train, PX is the period (With X as ID of the period, ie: day/evening/night for P0/P1/P2, day/night for P0/P1) and TX as ID of the train on the railway (X is a number).

Personal source (common)

MITHRA::nature : Nature of the source

MITHRA::comment : Description of the source

MITHRA::source_model : Model of the source (for a reference model set in MithraSIG)

MITHRA::measure : Measurement condition of the source (0 = not defined, 1 = free field, 2 = hemispherical field)

MITHRA::directivity : Directivity of the source

MITHRA::PX::percent : Percentage of use of the source, PX is the period (With X as ID of the period, ie: day/evening/night for P0/P1/P2, day/night for P0/P1)

Linear source

MITHRA::no_next_sl : Number of the next linear source

MITHRA::no_source_line : Number of the linear source

MITHRA::nb_lanes : Number of lane

MITHRA::material_id_AC : Material Id of the platform

MITHRA::create_platform : Platform enable/disable

MITHRA::platform_width : Width of the platform

MITHRA::source_height : Height of the source

Punctual source

MITHRA::no_next_sp : Number of the next punctual source

MITHRA::no_source_point : Number of the punctual source

MITHRA::height : Height of the source

MITHRA::azimuth : Azimuth of the source

MITHRA::vertical_angle : Vertical angle of the source

Facade source

MITHRA::no_next_sf : Number of the next facade source

MITHRA::no_source_facade : Number of the facade source

MITHRA::min_height : Minimum height of the surface

MITHRA::max_height : Maximum height of the surface

MITHRA::nb_sources_ht : Number of sources for the height

MITHRA::nb_sources_wt : Number of sources for the width

Volumic source

MITHRA::no_next_sv : Number of the next volumic source

MITHRA::no_source_volume : Number of the volumic source

MITHRA::hz_resolution : Resolution for horizontal receivers

MITHRA::vt_resolution : Resolution for vertical receivers

MITHRA::nb_sources_ht : Number of sources for the height



























MITHRA::domain_name : Name of the domain

MITHRA::domain_type : Type of the domain

Maps: Common Attributes

Val : Value

MITHRA_TYPE : Type of Dataset


MITHRA_TYPE_DOMAINE : Type of domain on which the map has been created

MITHRA_NOM_CARTE : Name of the map

MITHRA_ISOVALEURS : Isovalue of the map

MITHRA_MinVal : Minimum value of the map

MITHRA_MaxVal : Maximum value of the map

MITHRA_Unit : Reference unit of the map

MITHRA_Stats : Statistics of the map

MITHRA_Areas : Area details of the map

MITHRA_Pops : Attribute for population statistics

MITHRA_Thema : Thematic of the map


MITHRA::no_tab : Number of the column

MITHRA::tab_text : Text of the column

MITHRA::height : Height of the label


MITHRA::num_unhabitant : The number of inhabitants in the building or area


MITHRA::no_ray : Number of the ray

MITHRA::nb_period : Number of the period

MITHRA::ground_z : Ground z of the ray

MITHRA::impacts : Type of impact on the ray (diffraction, reflection...)

MITHRA::nature : Nature of the ray

//// Attenuation and spectrum (depend of period)

lw : The sound power

lp : The noise level

lpa : The noise level with A ponderation

att_geo : Geometrical spreading

deltaLw : The sound power adaptation (ie: conversion between a hemispheric source and a free source (industrial source))

att_dir : Directivity attenuation

att_ref : Absorption on reflecting surfaces (including retro-diffraction)

att_dif : Lateral diffraction

att_air : Air absorption

att_excess : Excess attenuation due to ground and top diffractions

att_extension : Excess attenuation for extension model(s) (body/barrier interaction, wall crowing, wall inclination)