Layout and print template

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Layout and print template

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A project layout can be exported as image or PDF. A layout can be created from a print template. Templates are already saved in MithraSIG, but the user can create his own from an existing one, by modify it and save it.

Layout wizard

Layout wizard

Layout wizard

To create a layout, go in the menu File and click on Layout/Create a layout from a print template. Then the wizard starts and just follow the instructions on screen.

It is possible to:

select the template: size, orientation, visual.

select scale and set model position on the project.

modify text information written in the template by editing the cells Text: title, sub-title, date, situation...

add theme present in the project by a drag & drop.

add North arrow.

add scale bar.

Click on OK at the end and save the project (allowing the user to modify it later). Then proceed to an export.