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There are 2 types of window:

Receivers statistics

This interface can be accessed from the map window and the Carte_ParamVisu_BoutonStats button and shows statistical results for points representation.

Points statistics window

Points statistics window

The histogram represents the results distribution every 1 dB and is updated in real time (when the 'real time' option is active) with each modification of the parameters of the map window. The minimum and maximum values ​​of the histogram correspond to those receivers.

Grid's cells statistics

This interface can be accessed from the map window and the Carte_ParamVisu_BoutonStatsGrille button and shows statistical cells' value for grid representation.

Grid's cells statistics window

Grid's cells statistics window

The histogram represents cells' value distribution every 1 dB et is updated in real time (when the 'real time' option is active) with each modification of the parameters of the map window. The minimum and maximum values of the histogram correspond to those cells.