Edit NMPB unit

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Edit NMPB unit

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A unit corresponds to independent rolling stock. The editing interface of a unit is accessible from the train list window.

Edit a NMPB unit

Edit a NMPB unit

A unit present in the original MithraSIG database cannot be edited. Only user-created units can be edited.

A NMPB unit has the following characteristics:

The name of the unit.

The length of the unit in m.

The maximal speed of the unit in km/h.

The unit's reflection coefficient (used when calculating the body/wall interaction). This value is between 0 and 1.

The sources of the unit: the number, the positioning in the unit from the head and the spacing between them (if several). Any length inconsistency is indicated by a red dot. The button Train_btnEditSource allows editing of the selected source.