List of reference models

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List of reference models

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MithraSIG has a database of reference models.

Pour gérer cette base de données, cliquer sur le bouton  présent dans le groupe Paramètres de l'onglet Modèle du ruban :

To manage this database, click on the ModPerso_btnModeles button found in the Parameters group of the Model tab of the ribbon:


The window for managing the reference models opens:


This window displays the list of reference models from the MithraSIG database.

Each reference model is displayed in the form of a tile, with the following information:

A photo describing the reference model

The name of the reference model

The acoustic quality associated to the reference model:

oGood: The source is well maintained and of good quality, which implies a reduced noise emission.

oAverage: The source is maintained but of average quality, which implies an average noise emission.

oPoor: The source is poorly maintained and / or of poor quality, which implies greater noise emission.

The sound power associated to the reference model, expressed in dBA

The type of industry associated with the reference model, allowing to classify the models by categories

The origin of the reference model, indicating whether it comes from the Imagine database, the Geomod / CSTB database, or whether it is a model created by the user

Information indicating whether the model is used in the current project

Notes associated with the reference model.

Example of a reference model

Example of a reference model

Filtering the list of reference models


To facilitate the search for a model in the list of reference models, it can be filtered according to the following criteria:

Source type: Punctual, Linear, Facade or Volume



Whether the model is used or not in the current project

The name.

Note that the search on the name is not case sensistive (capital letters / small letters).
Thus, by entering the term "grinding", we will find the models having in their name the following terms: "grinding", "Grinding".

Once you have configured your filter, click on the ModPerso_btnRechercher button to update the list of reference models.

Display of the list of reference models in the form of a tabular list

The list of reference models can be displayed in the form of a tile list (via the ModPerso_btnModeTuiles button, default mode) or else in the form of a tabular list (via the ModPerso_btnModeListe button):


Sorting the list of reference models


The list of reference models can be sorted by name, quality, sound power, industry and origin.

The sorting can be ascending (from the smallest value to the largest) by selecting the ModPerso_btnTriAscendant button or descending (from the largest value to the smallest) by selecting the ModPerso_btnTriDescendant button.

Visualization of the characteristics of the reference model

To view the characteristics of the selected reference model, click on the ModPerso_btnEdit button. You can also view these characteristics by double-clicking on a reference model.

The following window is displayed:


Add / Remove Reference Model

To delete the selected reference model, click on the ModPerso_btnSupp button. Only a reference model created by the user (Origin = Personal) and not used in the current project can be deleted.

To add a reference model, click on the ModPerso_btnAjout button. A drop-down list is displayed:


Choose the source type and the spectrum entry mode associated with the model (in octave bands or in third octave bands).

You can also create a new model from the currently selected model.

Import and export of reference models

To export the reference models, click on the ModPerso_btnExportAll button. You can export only the selected models by clicking on the ModPerso_btnExport button.

These models will be exported to an XML file whose format is as follows:

Format XML des modèles de référence

Format XML des modèles de référence

The type: 1 = ponctual, 2 = linear, 3 = facade, 4 = volumic.

The height is always specified (even for the facade and volume type where height = 0).


Note that as soon as a model is used by an industrial source, it is added to the current project. Thus, even if it is no longer used by any source, it will no longer be possible to delete it.