Cutting periods

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Cutting periods

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A cutting period corresponds to the division of a day into periods of time. The base unit is the hour. The project used precise cutting periods for all sources – simulations – renderings.

Cutting periods are available from a list that can be displayed by clicking on the button Decoupage_PeriodesMenu in the group Parameters from the ribbon Model, and selecting Periods in the list.

Cutting periods

Cutting periods

The cutting is composed of:

A Name and a Number of periods.

For each period: the relevant hours.

To create a cutting period, click on the button btn_Ajout to open an interface for entering a name (which must be unique). The fields then become accessible.


Cutting periods (adding)

Cutting periods (adding)

Next you must:

Enter a unique name per period.

Ensure that each period covers at least one hour.

If all conditions are met, the red dots disappear and the OK button becomes accessible.

A personal cutting period can be deleted using the btn_Suppr button.