Point sources

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Point sources

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The source point is input at a selected point of the site. Enter the altitude, the height of the source above the ground and its orientation. Its spectrum is entered in dB Lin.

Punctual sources can have many directivities: omni-spheric, sin, sin², cos, cos², all this directivities can also be in one direction: hemi-speric, cos hemi, cos² hemi, sin hemi, sin² hemi.

It is possible to create its personal directivity (see Directivity).

It is possible to change the graphic representation of the source (see objects colors).

Notes: point sources can be on building or on facade of building.

On building source: take care of the height of the source which have to be superior than the height of the building.

Facade source: take care of the orientation of the source and its directivity (omni, hemi).