Items colors

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Items colors

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Personal style are available from an interface that can be displayed by clicking on the button Couleurs_Menu in the group Parameters from the ribbon Model, and selecting Colours in the list.

Objects colors interface

Objects colors interface

Colors of several objects can be modified: building, ground, receiver, road, rail. This interface is also accessible from a right-click on one of these overlays, and then by clicking on Couleurs_Menu.

Each item color that is the objet can be modified (brush and pen for polygons, only pen for lines or points) by clicking on the corresponding color.


To apply new user colors, the default parameter "Use personal style" must be put to "Yes".

A theme is applyed on the corresponding overlay and it can be activated / desactivated manually from the overlay.


The button Couleurs_Croix: no brush color can be defined because of the item type (line or point).

The button Couleurs_Reset re-initializes all colors with the default application colors.