Emission models for road traffic

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Emission models for road traffic

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Model developed by the CSTB in 1990, based on abacus Noise Guide.


Adaptation of abacus Noise Guide.


Model published in June 2009 by SETRA.


Adaptation of the model from Harmonoise and Imagine projects for the EU noise mapping from 2017.


CNOSSOS-EU model with coefficients specific to France

Harmonoise - simple

Model proposed by the Harmonoise project and finalized during the Imagine project (2000-2007)

The simplified model with a source height at 30cm.

Harmonoise - Complete

Model proposed by the Harmonoise project and finalized during the Imagine project (2000-2007)

The original model distributing the sound emissions on 3 source heights: 1, 30 and 75cm.

Validation of emission models

A particular effort was dedicated to the compatibility of the models. Thus, they all accept the same input data and produce comparable results (at +/- 1dBA) in most typical configurations of urban or motorway traffic. Greater differences can be observed in particular cases such as sloping roads or allures (vehicle modeling in acceleration or deceleration).

Note that, while all models produce comparable emission values, noise levels produced at a distance may vary more significantly. Thus, differences in the spectrum and height of the sources can introduce significant variations in the modeling of the ground effect. In general, these differences are less than 3 dBA for annual average values. They can reach 10 dBA at long distances and for homogeneous propagation conditions.