Cross section

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Cross section

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The Cross section tool is in the ribbon Model, click on the button Objet_btnCoupe in the group Add items.

Draw a line with 2 points to make a cross section.

Cross section

Cross section

The window can be resized and the D and Z fields represent the factors that can be edited (confirm by pressing ENTER).

Click on the button Paramètres coupe to have several options to manage X/Y scale, display text / scale .axis, and to save the cross section as an image.

The different objects are represented as follows:

The ground in brown / light brown.

Road and railway sources in light grey and traffic lines in red.

Land use by the colour of their nature (green for vegetation, grey for urban and blue for water).

Buildings in light grey.

Wall by the colour of their material.


The user can draw several cross sections. A line is created in the Graphic window (in a new internal overlay: "Cross section") for each cross section. When the user selects a cross section window, the line is automatically selected (highlighted in yellow).

Cross section line

Cross section line

Even if the cross section window is closed, the overlay Cross section is still present. You can do a right-click on any cross section line saved and select the command Recall cross section.