2D data: roof elevation

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2D data: roof elevation

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With this option it is necessary to have 2D buildings with a ZMax attribute corresponding to the roof elevation of the buildings.

Enter the attribute containing the Floor height or use the default value indicated.

Enter the attribute containing the Z Max.

The building will be draped using the chosen Draping method and the height 'H' is calculated in the following manner:

H = ZMax – Z draping mode

where ZMax corresponds to the value of the attribute "ZMax#".

If H < Minimum ground floor height, then H = Minimum ground floor height. The ground floor height is defined in the software's default parameters.

To calculate the number of floors, the following formula is applied:

Number_Foors = Int(( H - Minimum ground floor height) / Floor_Height)

Lastly, to calculate the height of the ground floor, the following formula is used:

Ground floor_Height = H – (No_floors x Floor_Height)