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Sometimes you may want to select graphics by an exact position, such as the end of a Linestring item, or you may want to draw to an exact location, such as the center of a circle.

By using snaps you can draw to precise points on existing graphics, such as ends of Linestring items, midpoints of Linestring items, centers of circles, etc.

Some snapcodes such as Line and Area appear at the cursor position when your cursor is in the correct location. By clicking when you see these snapcodes, you know you are snapping to the Linestring or Polygon item.


The available snaps, with their keyboard initial letter (‘hot’ key) shortcut, are shown in the table below:

Press this key

To do this

A (Area)

Snap to the center point of a Polygon item.

C (Center)

Snap to the center of an arc or circle, or to the centroid of a Polygon item.

D (Dot)

Prevent snapping. The exact position of the cursor is used.

E (End)

Snap to the nearest end of a Linestring item.

L (Line)

Snap to the nearest geometric point on the nearest Linestring item.

M (Middle)

Snap to the mid-point of a Linestring item segment.

N (Normal)

Snap to the nearest Linestring item, correcting to perpendicular.

P (Point)

Snap to the nearest Point item.

S (Select)

Choose from overlapping items. See Item selection.

V (Vertex)

Snap to the nearest vertex point on the nearest Linestring/Polygon item.

X (X-Cross)

Snap to the nearest intersection of two Linestring items.

To prevent the cursor snapping to a point, press the D key and the exact position of the cursor is used, with no correction.