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Attenuations are :

-Lw: the sound power.

-DeltaLw: the sound power adaptation (ie: conversion between a hemispheric source and a free source (industrial source)).

-Directivity: directivity attenuation.

-Geom. propagation: geometrical spreading.

-Air absorption: air absorption.

-Absorption reflec. surf.: absorption on reflecting surfaces (including retro-diffraction).

-Lateral diffraction: lateral diffraction.

-Ground effect: excess attenuation due to ground and top diffractions.

-Extension model(s): excess attenuation for extension model(s) (body/barrier interaction, wall crowing, wall inclination).

-Lp: noise level.

Convention: for Lp and Lw, 0.0 means a non defined level.

Ray attenuations table

Ray attenuations table

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