Properties of a campaign

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Properties of a campaign

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This interface can be opened from the campaign list window.

Measurements interface

Measurements interface

The Name cannot be empty or already exist.

The Description is not compulsory.

The Date that can correspond to the date of the measurement operation on the terrain, for example.

The Mode of measurement: dB, octaves or 1/3 octaves. Influences the entry of the measurement results at receivers. This mode can no longer be modified for any measurement campaign that has been used at least once by a receiver.

To zoom in and out on the selected receiver, use the BtnZoomP and BtnZoomM buttons.

To add all the receivers of the project to the campaign, click on the button Campagnes_BtnAddRec.

To copy the data in clipboard to the table, click on the button Campagnes_BtnCopie.

The column A or the frequencies (for a frequency mode) can be edited with values.