List of measurements

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List of measurements

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This interface is accessed from the ribbon Simu - Renderings, by clicking on the button Campagnes_Btn_Ruban in the group Analysis.

List of measurements

List of measurements

Contextual menu

Contextual menu

The names, descriptions, dates and number of receivers using each campaign are listed. It is possible to:

Edit a measurement: via the context command Edit measurements or the Campagnes_BtnEdit button.

Delete a measurement: via the context command Delete measurements or the Campagnes_BtnSupp button.

Add a measurement: via the context command Add measurements or the Campagnes_BtnAdd button.

To select the receivers using the campaign in the graphic control: via the Select receivers command in the context menu or the Campagnes_BtnSelect button.

To zoom in and out using the BtnZoomP and BtnZoomM buttons.