The Exports

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The Exports

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Maps that have been created can be exported.

The export depends on the type of map created.

With sections in the horizontal plane, it is possible to export in several formats in particular:

oDXF, DWG, DGN, MIF/MID, TAB, SHP, KMZ, GML, etc. for the vector (iso value, iso area and point receiver).

oBMP, JPEG2000, TIFF, GeoTIFF, ECW, MrSID, etc. for grids.

oExport in PDF (with layer management) can be done.

With sections in the vertical plane and facade maps, the data can be exported in KMZ, shapes 3D, DXF, DWG, GML, etc.


Tip: It is possible to export several maps simultaneously by selecting several maps (CTRL + Click) in the project window.