Labels attributes

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Labels attributes

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Each layer which comes from a receiver map or tabs is composed of label with defined attributes:


Attributes are :

MITHRA::no_receiver&, the id of the receiver in the simulation.

MITHRA::comment$, the comment present on the receiver (Receiver layers).

MITHRA::no_building&, the number of the building for "on building" and "facade" receiver.

MITHRA::no_facade&, the number of the facade on the building for on building and facade receiver.

MITHRA::floor_levels$, this attribute is a text attribute. Values are noise levels for every floors. The separator is ";". 62.0;64.5;66.5 means the ground floor has a level of 62.0 dBA, the first floor 64.5dBA and the second 66.5dBA.

MITHRA::heights_receiver$, this attribute is a text attribute which list the height of the receiver for all the floors.

MITHRA::title$, the title of the label if a title is present.

MITHRA::columns$, the name of the columns when a label is edited.

MITHRA::max_level#, the maximum level reaches for all colons and floors. This level is used for the thematic which color the label.

MITHRA::height_max_level#, the height of the maximum level of the label.

MITHRA::no_floor_max_level&, the number of the floor where the maximum level is.


Just for label with many colors :

MITHRA::max_level_col1#, MITHRA::max_level_col2#, the maximum level reaches for column 1, column 2, ...

MITHRA::min_level_col1#, MITHRA::min_level_col2#, the minimum level reaches for column 1, column 2, ...


It is possible to create thematic from theses attributes to personalize the style of the labels.