Edit / Delete labels

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Edit / Delete labels

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Move labels

Labels can be moved in the graphic window. To do this:

Click on the label border or on the line linked to the receiver.

Place the mouse cursor on one of the key points of the label.


Click and hold, then move the label.

Edit labels

Each label / legend can be moved (directly in the Graphic interface) and edited either by double clicking or via the context menu:


Edition if several labels are selected

Edition if several labels are selected


You can edit:

The Characters height (influencing the label size).

The Colour of fond and Colour of filling.

Add a title for each label

These style option can be apply on all labels of the overlays or only on the selected label (Apply on all labels overlays option).

Edition if one tab is selected

Edition if one tab is selected

Each value of the table: this part of the interface does not appear if the edit covers several labels (several labels selected at the function call). It is possible to edit the value in the table. The value can be text (not only double) like "no data".

The field Title can be used to give a name to a label. By default, the name is the number of the receiver. Deleting one or several labels is carried out in the Graphic interface via the Delete command in the context menu or the Delete key.

Notes: for tabs, it is possible to modify the names of the labels columns displayed in the table. For this, change the value of the attribute MITHRA::columns$.

For the previous table: if the value is changed from MITHRA::columns$ = "Etage;All;Rail;Diff" to MITHRA::columns$ = "Azerty;All;Rail;Diff" , the first column will be named "azerty" when editing the tabs. The separator between columns is ";". The legend has to be modified too.