Vertical map sections

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Vertical map sections

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To visualize a vertical map section, select one or several items of the vertical map, then right-click and activate the command Vertical map section.

Vertical map section

Additionally, vertical cross section can be displayed using the right-click on the map overlay.

The map displayed in section depends on the type of the selected item.

Vertical map with receivers

Vertical map with receivers

Vertical map with a grid

Vertical map with a grid

Vertical map with isovalues

Vertical map with isovalues

Vertical map in polygons

Vertical map in polygons

A move of the mouse on a graphic item updates the value (dB).

The window is sizable by clicking on the button Paramètres coupe, to have several options to manage X/Y scale, display text / scale .axis, and to save the cross section as an image.