Noise indicators

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Noise indicators

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You can choose an existing noise indicator or specify new characteristics from an existing indicator.

An indicator covers the simulation periods corresponding to the map.

Indicator LDEN

Indicator LDEN

Each time an indicator is changed, fields are automatically updated.

Indicator personal

Indicator personal

Each period can be activated/disabled and its weighting (Weig.) altered (from 0 to 30).

Formula applied to determine the acoustic level (unit: dB or dB(A))

Formule pour déterminer le niveau

where :

i is a period of time (day, evening, etc.).

Leqi the equivalent (eq) sound level over the period i.

Ti is the number of hours in the period i.

Ci is the weighting coefficient for a period i.

Predefined indicator

Indicator present for a simulation with periods: "All Day"


Indicator present for a simulation with periods: 'Day / Night'

LAeq, LAeq 6-22h , LAeq 22h-6h

Indicator present for a simulation with periods: 'Day / Evening / Night'

LAeq, LAeq 6-22h , LAeq 22h-6h , LAeq Day , LAeq Evening , LAeq Night , LDEN , LN.

Indicator present for a simulation with periods: 'Hour / hour'

LAeq, LAeq 6-22h , LAeq 22h-6h , LAeq Day , LAeq Evening , LAeq Night , Lden , Ln, LAeq 0-1h , LAeq 1-2h, LAeq 2-3h , ... , LAeq 23-0h

Dynamic indicators

A simulation with a storage mode of the LAmax type allows access to dynamic indicators:

Indicator present for a simulation with periods: "All Day"


Indicator present for a simulation with periods: "Day / Night"

LAmax , LAmax 6-22h , LAmax 22h-6h

Indicator present for a simulation with periods: 'Day / Evening / Night'

LAmax , LAmax 6-22h , LAmax 22h-6h , LAmax Day , LAmax Evening , LAmax Night

Indicator present for a simulation with periods: 'Hour / hour'

LAmax , LAmax 6-22h , LAmax 22h-6h , LAmax Day , LAmax Evening , LAmax Night , LAmax 0-1h , LAmax 1-2h , LAmax 2-3h , ... , LAmax 23-0h


The Facade subtraction -3dB option (or not taking the last facade reflection into account) that appears in the case of maps that include only facade receivers is automatically selected for LDEN, LN indicators.

When to select the Facade subtraction -3dB option:

Is the receiver associated with a building?

Was the chosen indicator included in the last facade reflection?

Does the simulation have at least one reflection?