Version 5.0

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Version 5.0

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Mithra fully integrated to a GIS

Integration of the calculation engine Mithra (CSTB) on a standard GIS platform (SIS/Geomod)

Generic user interface for a GIS

Before, in MithraSIG 4, the calculation engine Mithra (CSTB) was added into a standard GIS platform (SIS/Geomod). That means adding functions on an existing product and user interface.

Now, integrate the graphic GIS kernel and the calculation engine in a totally new application.


>Before: generic user interface for a GIS

>Now: interface optimized for acoustic purpose

oEasier to use

oBetter understanding of the project

Development concept


Fully integrated

A new interface

64 bits software

More intuitive

More user-friendly

The project panel

The overlay panel has been redesigned. In version 4, there was a list of overlays where the position of the overlay was the display position in the graphic view. In version 5, the objects of the list are specific. The overlays are listed following their type: input data, model data, simulation/maps.



The Properties panel

All the acoustic properties of the objects are visible from the interface in the Properties panel.


The simulations

The simulation/domain logic is inverted. The domain has to be created first, then the associated simulation.

In version 4, a simulation has one or several domains, each domain has its maps.

In version 5, the domain has one or several simulations, each simulation has its maps. The domain corresponds to a geographical area. The type of the simulation (Facae, horizontal, etc...) is now linked to the simulation.

Benefits: this facilitates the engineering work, we can create several simulations with different parameters in order to compare them.

The variants

Variants of a same project can be created. The variants allow to create and simulate several configurations into only one project. For example, an initial state without noise barrier, and a futur state with noise barrier.

A smooth dataset management allows to link data between several variants or copy the data from a variant to another one to make them unique.


Convert objects

The conversion of one or several objects can be done using the contextual menu. It is fast and easy. This makes the AutoCAD plans better to use.


Roads management

A new representation of the roads has been designed: the simple mode. This allows an easier management of the objects: there are less parameters, only the axis. The traffics and platforms are automatically created during the simulation.



The method CNOSSOS-EU has been added in MithraSIG 5, for the road emission  and for the propagation simulations.