Background noise

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Background noise

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In MithraSIG, the ambient noise can be specified using the Background noise objects.

A Background noise object is a point object used to specify a measurement made in situ.

Background noise

Background noise


General Principle

To specify an ambient noise in MithraSIG, you must enter one or more Background noise objects, by entering the measured level (Lp).

During a simulation, MithraSIG will determine the value of the ambient noise at any point in the domain of the simulation, based on the Background noise objects present.

To determine this value, MithraSIG takes into account the Background noise object closest to the simulation point considered.

Example with 3 Background noise objects

Example with 3 Background noise objects

Impact of ambient noise in the simulation

In a simulation, the ambient noise is added to the noise caused by other sources.
When creating a map, it is then possible to take the ambient noise into account or not.