Categories of ships

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Categories of ships

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Two categories of ships are currently present in MithraSIG: cargo ships and passenger ships.

Cargo ship

Cargo ship

Cargo ship

Cargo ships are used to model oil tankers, cargo ships and bulk carriers.

Geometric characteristics


A cargo ship has the following geometric characteristics:

Length: length of ship, stern to bow

Breadth: ship's breadth

Height of the hull: height of the hull from sea level

Height of superstructure: height of the superstructure from the top of the hull (deck)

Offset of the superstructure: offset of the superstructure from the stern

Length of the superstructure: length of the superstructure. It must not be greater than the length of the ship.

Height of sources on the sides: acoustic parameter indicating the height at which the sources located on the sides of the ship are located

Offset of the funnel: offset of the funnel from the rear of the superstructure

Containers: the presence or absence of containers. To model a tanker or a bulk carrier, we will uncheck this option.

Total height of containers: total height of containers, from deck.

Acoustic characteristics


A cargo ship has the following locations:

Stern: corresponding location at the rear of the ship. The sources located at this location are placed at a height corresponding to the deck.
The following sub-locations are available:

oLeft: sub-location corresponding to the left side of the stern. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oMiddle: sub-location corresponding to the middle of the stern. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oRight: sub-location corresponding to the right side of the stern. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oDistributed: sub-location corresponding to the entire stern. Four sources are created along the stern in the simulation. The power of each source corresponds to 1/4 of the overall power.

Left side: location corresponding to the left side of the ship. The sources located at this location are placed at a height corresponding to the value of the geometric parameter Height of sources on the sides.
The following sub-locations are available:

oBack: sub-location corresponding to the back of the left side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oMiddle: sub-location corresponding to the middle of the left side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oFront: sub-location corresponding to the front of the left side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oDistributed: sub-location corresponding to the whole of the left side. Seven sources are created along the left side in the simulation. The power of each source corresponds to 1/7 of the overall power.

Right side: location corresponding to the right side of the ship. The sources located at this location are placed at a height corresponding to the value of the geometric parameter Height of sources on the sides.
The following sub-locations are available:

oBack: sub-location corresponding to the back of the right side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oMiddle: sub-location corresponding to the middle of the right side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oFront: sub-location corresponding to the front of the right side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oDistributed: sub-location corresponding to the whole of the right side. Seven sources are created along the right side in the simulation. The power of each source corresponds to 1/7 of the overall power.

Left and right sides: this location allow you to add a source to both the left and right side of the ship. The available sub-locations are the same as for the left and right locations.

Funnel: location corresponding to the ship's funnel. The sources located at this location are placed in the middle of the funnel, at a height corresponding to the top of the funnel.
The following sub-location is available:

oMiddle: sub-location corresponding to the middle of the funnel.

Passenger ship


Passenger ship

Passenger ship

Passenger ships are used to model ferries and cruise ships.

Geometric characteristics


A passenger ship has the following geometric characteristics:

Length: length of ship, stern to bow

Breadth: ship's breadth

Hull height: height of the hull from sea level

Height of the superstructure: height of the superstructure from the top of the hull (deck)

Height of sources on the sides: acoustic parameter indicating the height at which the sources located on the sides of the ship are located

Offset of the funnel: offset of the funnel from the rear of the superstructure

Acoustic characteristics


A passenger ship has the following locations:

Stern: corresponding location at the rear of the ship. The sources located at this location are placed at a height corresponding to the deck.
The following sub-locations are available:

oLeft: sub-location corresponding to the left side of the stern. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oMiddle: sub-location corresponding to the middle of the stern. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oRight: sub-location corresponding to the right side of the stern. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oDistributed: sub-location corresponding to the entire stern. Four sources are created along the stern in the simulation. The power of each source corresponds to 1/4 of the overall power.

Left side: location corresponding to the left side of the ship. The sources located at this location are placed at a height corresponding to the value of the geometric parameter Height of sources on the sides.
The following sub-locations are available:

oBack: sub-location corresponding to the back of the left side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oMiddle: sub-location corresponding to the middle of the left side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oFront: sub-location corresponding to the front of the left side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oDistributed: sub-location corresponding to the whole of the left side. Seven sources are created along the left side in the simulation. The power of each source corresponds to 1/7 of the overall power.

Right side: location corresponding to the right side of the ship. The sources located at this location are placed at a height corresponding to the value of the geometric parameter Height of sources on the sides.
The following sub-locations are available:

oBack: sub-location corresponding to the back of the right side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oMiddle: sub-location corresponding to the middle of the right side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oFront: sub-location corresponding to the front of the right side. Only one source is created in the simulation.

oDistributed: sub-location corresponding to the whole of the right side. Seven sources are created along the right side in the simulation. The power of each source corresponds to 1/7 of the overall power.

Left and right sides: this location allow you to add a source to both the left and right side of the ship. The available sub-locations are the same as for the left and right locations.

Funnel: location corresponding to the ship's funnel. The sources located at this location are placed in the middle of the funnel, at a height corresponding to the top of the funnel.
The following sub-location is available:

oMiddle: sub-location corresponding to the middle of the funnel.