Silent Installation

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Silent Installation

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In the case of a mass deployment of MithraSIG, a silent process for the installation can be created. To set a silent installation enter a command line as follows:

MithraSIG-Installer-5.xxxx.exe /qn

The setup file (MithraSIG-Installer-5.xxxx.exe) can be located anywhere on the machine, i.e. on the desktop, D:\ drive, USB key, etc. The file can also be renamed by the user if required.


The following list shows the available properties (to write in capital letters), their descriptions and value options when appropriate.

Installation location

Use the MITHRAINSTALLDIR property to specify where you would like to install MithraSIG.

Example: MITHRAINSTALLDIR=”C:\Program Files\Geomod\MithraSIG”


Licensing parameters


Possible values:

Standalone : "0"

Network : "1"

Default value is "0", so standalone.


WIXUI_PATH_LICENSE: path to the licence file ( .lservrc ou .lmithra)

Example: WIXUI_PATH_LICENSE="D:\__temp\123456_12345678.lmithra"


The two following properties are valid only if you intend to use the Network licencing type:


WIXUI_SERVERS: address of the licence server



WIXUI_HOST: the port the specified licence server is listening on. You do not need this parameter if the licence server is listening on the standard port (5093)

Example: WIXUI_HOST="3426"

Installation examples

Standalone installation

MithraSIG-Installer- /qn MITHRAINSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Geomod\MithraSIG" WIXUI_PATH_LICENSE="D:\__temp\123456_12345678.lmithra"

Network installation

MithraSIG-Installer- /qn MITHRAINSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Geomod\MithraSIG" WIXUI_PATH_LICENSE="D:\__temp\123456_12345678.lmithra" WIXUI_SERVERS="" WIXUI_HOST="5093" WIXUI_ISNETWORKLICENCE="1"