Useful expressions

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Useful expressions

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Here are a selection of useful expressions that can be used to clean the Model for example.

These expressions can be used with the Search Standard_btnRechercher function of the ribbon, and will be applied to every selectable items of the graphic window.




_area# < 100

Search for items with an area inferior to 100 m².

Clean the useless land uses.

_closed& = 0

Search for non-closed lines.

Detect the items ignored by buildings integration that requires closed lines.

_bSimple& = 0

Search for non-simple items.

Detect items that can alter items integration.

_oz# = -999

Search for items with a -999 height.

Detect the items for which the height could not be calculated from the DTM.

_classLocal$ = 'MultiPolygone'

Search for items in several pieces.

Detect the items that can block an items integration.

_oz# = 0 and _sz# = 0

Search for items with no height.

Detect if input data are 2D or 3D.