List of emissions natures

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List of emissions natures

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The emissions natures list is accessed from the ribbon Model, by clicking on the button Nature_BtnListe in the group List of emissions. Natures are listed by source type (Road, Railway, Individual).

The default natures are shown in red and cannot be edited.

The number of objects using a given nature is shown and influences the functions.

List of natures

List of natures

Menu - nature in the project

Menu - nature in the project


Menu - nature not in the project

Menu - nature not in the project

Several actions are possible when a row is selected:

You can edit a nature with the Nature_btnEdit button, by double clicking or via the context menu.

You can add a nature with the Nature_Liste_btnAjout button or via the context menu.

You can delete a nature with the Nature_btnSupp button or via the context menu (not accessible if the nature is used by a source).

You can select sources using a nature with the Nature_BtnSelect button or via the context menu (not accessible if the nature is not used by a source).

The BtnZoomP and BtnZoomM buttons allow you to zoom in and out on the current view.

Use the OK button to confirm the modifications.