Round coordinates

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Round coordinates

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Round coordinate is an easy way to clean some geometries. It corrects some errors of coordinate.

In all cases, a geometric cleaning is done during integration of data (management of non-simple objects and objects of small size).


In the following example, round coordinate closes the space between the two buildings: the point on each building is going to have the same coordinates.



2 lines without rounded coordinates (so there is a space between the lines)

2 lines without rounded coordinates (so there is a space between the lines)

Lines with rounded coordinates

Lines with rounded coordinates

Warning: if the tolerance is to important, rounded coordinate could create new errors in data (like white space). Example:

-2 lines : a red line and a blue line. -Left points are exactly the same on each line.  -The second point of the blue line is on the red line (the red line has no vertex here).

-2 lines : a red line and a blue line.
-Left points are exactly the same on each line.
-The second point of the blue line is on the red line (the red line has no vertex here).

If we round coordinates, the blue line intersects the red line. A new error is created.

If we round coordinates, the blue line intersects the red line. A new error is created.

How to choose?

The choice depends of data. If data is clean, that is to say it is topological, this option is useless.