List of noise barriers

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List of noise barriers

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It is possible to modify the parameters of several noise barriers simultaneously using the List of barriers. To do that, you can:

Double-click on the overlay Barrier.

or select the overlay Barrier and click on the button BtnListeObjets in the Project window.

or select the noise barriers to modify (allow a custom selection). Do a right-click and activate the command Edit wall(s).

The List of barriers box is displayed with the list of all the noise barriers in the selection.

List of barriers

List of barriers


oYou can activate the Barrier object box by right-clicking on one of the walls and activating the Edit barrier command or the Mur_ListeEdition button. Make the modifications and then click OK to confirm.

oYou can modify the values of the parameters in the table.

Click OK to confirm.

Modification of a barrier parameter in the selection can be repeated with all the barriers in that selection. To do this, right-click on the value of the parameter to be repeated and activate the command Apply to all barriers in the context menu or click the Mur_ListeAppliquerATous button. The value is then applied to all the objects.