Licences and number of objects

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Licences and number of objects

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For better understanding and clarity, the pricing of MithraSIG 5 is based on a single criteria: the number of objects allowed in the model of the same variant. Note that the data for the ground do not enter into account in this criteria, their number is never limited.

MithraSIG 5 is not modular. All software features and all types of sources (roads, railways, industrials) are available regardless of the number of objects allowed, and therefore regardless of the license chosen.

The MithraSIG 5 licenses are as follows, defined by the number of allowed objects:


1 000

10 000

100 000


Objects counted for the licence

The objects counted for the licence are only the acoustic sources and acoustic obstacles listed below:

Types of objects

How are they counted?


1 polygon = 1 object

Noise barrier and Retaining wall

1 line = 1 object

Land use

1 polygon = 1 object

Road sources

1 line (road axis*) = 1 object

Railway sources

1 line (railway axis*) = 1 object

Punctual industrial sources

1 point = 1 object

Linear industrial sources

1 line (source axis*) = 1 object

Facade industrial sources

1 line = 1 object

Volumic/Surfacie industrial sources

1 polygon = 1 object

Sources (roads, railway, industry)


*Notes: Roads, railways and linear sources only count for a single object, even if after the deployment carried out by MithraSIG the axis generates several objects (a platform, traffic lines, an axis...).

Objects and data not counted in the licence

These are all the other objects and data, in particular: input data from other sources (.shp, .dwg, .asc, background, etc.), ground objects (points, lines, grids), mounds and banks, receivers, simulation domains, simulation results (maps, labels).