Prerequisite components

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Prerequisite components

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MithraSIG requires that external components must be installed on the machine running the software. These are Framework .NET 4.5 or higher (Microsoft® component) and the Drivers Safenet Sentinel for the USB dongle.

Administrator rights may be required to install these components. Restart the machine may be required.

Framework .NET 4.5

It is the official component from Microsoft® and can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.

Drivers Safenet Sentinel

These drivers ensure the compatibility of the USB dongle on Windows operating system to manage licence. The software is provided by Geomod.

Note that in the case of a network licence, you don't need to install this program on the machine where MithraSIG will be installed.

To install it, execute the file Sentinel Protection Installer X.X.X. Choose the Custom installation, then only select Sentinel System Drivers (disable the last 3 options).

